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Visionary Poetry

Vision is a destination Discover it on time And you'll get there in due time Its demands don't deny And you'll see it fly Ambitionists may cry But visioneers always thrive There is no obstacle too high If the vision is from the Most High Over obstacles you will ride Men of vision are wise They pay the price And emerge glorified..... Vision seeks manifestation It requires scriptural interpretation And a platform of consecration It grows by revelation And constant meditation Gives it full expression Vision builds a nation It shatters oppression And terminates confusion It does not aim at stardom But on contribution It provides solutions For the needs of generations.....

Leadership Journal-002

   On several occasions, leaders have been mistaken and confused for bosses. A leader is different from a boss, a leader encourages people to do what they see him do while a boss commands other to do things he could not do. A leader takes the lead in making things happen, a boss on the other hand supervises those who makes things happen. People are more comfortable and confident working under a leader than under a boss. Leaders help to build others, while a boss has a duty of managing and controlling people. A boss is always threatened by the growth of his subordinates, while leaders find fulfilment in helping people grow from being followers to becoming leaders.    In your field of expertise do you intend to be a leader or a boss? That's the big question everyone must answer, there is nothing that happens to you by chance or luck. As a matter of fact, you are absolutely responsible for the happenings in your life, you are a product of your choices and what you'll be in year

Leadership Vision- Part 4

    Martin Luther King Jr once said "a man who won't die for something is not fit to live". Passion is not just about what you live for but about what you are willing to die for. The dictionary defines passion as "Any great, strong and powerful emotion", but in this context, passion can be defined as an innate quality of zeal that compels action in a given direction. It is an intense feeling that drives one into acting in a specific manner, a clear example of true passion as it relates to discovery of vision was the story of a man called Nehemiah in the bible.    When Nehemiah heard about the plight of the Jews and of Jerusalem, he shed tears and cried unto God for intervention. His passion drove him to seek his captor King's favor in a bid to rebuild the broken walls of the ravaged city and to restore the dignity of his people. Despite the constant threat to his life and to the life of his men, he held on to his passion driven purpose until he fulfilled

Leadership Vision-Part 3

Text: Isaiah29:11-14.    True leaders are God dependent, though they've built capacity but they still recognize the place of the one called the leader of leaders in their lives. Men who give God a place in their heart have a better chance of accessing vision than men who don't. Don't wait for any man to tell you your purpose or the reason behind your creation because the truth is they do not know. Man can only guide and direct you to the one who knows(God), and He will be more than willing to reveal it to you.    You can access vision through three different methods namely; Divine Encounters. Pure Passion. Evident Gifts/ Talents.    Divine encounters gives you direct access to vision, while passion and gifts are just pointers to vision, they don't give you specific details of your assignment. Divine encounter gives a man access to the source or manufacturer, it is an avenue where man meets directly with God and receives from Him a detailed vision. At differen

Leadership Vision-Part 2

Text: Joel2:28.    Many people in the leadership world today have mistaken ambition for vision, the truth is; they are completely different from each other. You can become successful by diligently pursuing a properly planned ambition, but can only find fulfilment by pursuing vision. Only purpose can bring fulfilment, any attempt to get it from any other source will only end in frustration. Many leaders across the globe have found success but have failed to access fulfilment simply because they've been very ambitious but not visionary.    Moses grew up in the King's palace but he felt unfulfilled although he was in line to be the next Pharaoh of Egypt, fortunately for him, he met his maker and accessed the purpose for his creation. Immediately, the true leader hidden in him came alive and even at age forty he successfully led three million people out of Egypt(Exodus2,3&12). Friends I tell you the truth, until a man discovers Vision he will never maximize his true leader

Leadership Vision-Part 1

Text : Prov28:19.    Vision is the primary prerequisite for leadership, you cannot be regarded as a leader until you've discovered vision. Leadership begins with vision, vision initiates and motivates motion and pursuit. You are not qualified to lead until you have successfully led yourself and the road to self-leadership begins from the bus stop of vision.That is why vision is an important pillar of leadership, without it leadership excellence cannot be attained. Many so called leaders have ignored this fact, that is why their leadership experience have been majorly unsuccessful.    Vision has been defined by different authors to mean different things, but what is the true meaning of vision? Vision can be defined a man's ability to discover his God ordained purpose. It can also be referred as ability to disvover why he was created and for what purpose he was created.(Jer1:5, Gal1:15). Every manufacturer has a purpose behind the creation of a product, the purpose is first e

Pillars Of Leadership

   Leadership failure has been the undoing of so many great systems, whenever there is a breach in quality leadership the consequences are often times very unpleasant. There are basic qualities a leader should possess that would engender quality leadership. Men want to see results not presentations, a leader must be active if success is his target.    Over the years we have seen men who have exhibited some of these qualities that makes for excellent leaders, From Moses who led Gods people out of bondage down to Solomon who was one of the wealthiest kings in Bible history. We are going to be exploring the secrets of lasting leadership, why some leaders enjoy successfull leadership stints and others don't. Pillars are used to strengthen and support buildings, therefore the more of these pillars you engage the stronger your leadership and the more support you gain while leading. Leadership is primarily about service, just as joining the military is a call to serve one's nation

Leadership Journal-001

   Once upon a time, close to a battle field over 200 years ago, a man in civilian clothes rode past a small group of exhausted battle weary soldiers digging and obviously important defensive position. The section leader, making no effort to help was shouting orders, threatening punishment if the work was not completed within the hour. "Why are you not helping?" asked the stranger on horseback. "I am in charge, the men do as I tell them" said the section leader, adding, "Help them yourself if you feel strongly about it". To the section leaders surprise, the stranger did mounted and helped the men until the job was finished. Before leaving, the stranger congratulated the men for their work and approached the puzzled section leader " You should notify top command next time your rank prevents you from supporting your men - and I will provide a more permanent solution" said the stranger. Up close, the section leader now recognized General Washingto

The Enlistment-Part 3

   "God has got an army marching through the land, deliverance is their song with healing in their hands, everlasting joy and life forever more, in this army I have got a part". These are the lyrics of a song that clearly portrays the mission of God's army. Why wait and pray for change in your country or society when you can be the change your society needs. You have the potential to become a godly leader, make up your mind to go through God's training program and emerge as the leader the world has been waiting for.    Some years back a man called Martin Luther King Jr selflessly defended the rights of black Americans who were under the weight of segregation and racial discrimination. He fought as a soldier and successfully conquered the menace, though he lost his life in the process. The greatest motivation of soldiers is death, they are not afraid of death. It is a thing of honor for a soldier to die in battle, for how long will you continue to remain silent and

The Enlistment-Part 2

   Every nation and kingdom has laws guiding its citizens, as well as activities within it.(Psalm119:105). A responsible citizen makes it a point of duty to study and know these laws and abide by them. In God's kingdom there are laws(The Bible) that have been laid down to guide citizens through their daily activities, therefore, as a new citizen of this kingdom it is your duty to know, understand and comply to the laws of the kingdom.    Before a man becomes a soldier he must have been trained, empowered and equipped for the battlefield.(Luke 24:49). The training focuses on bringing out the toughness in you, as this would help you to survive hard times especially during war. Nations have military training colleges filled with numerous instructors and officers entrusted with the responsibility of training newly enlisted persons.(John 14:26). God also has plans for training His men, and He has entrusted the training process to the General Officer Commanding (GOC) Heavens Training

The Enlistment-Part 1

      Men of understanding are men who cheaply command outstanding results, this was the case of the children of Issachar who had understanding of the times and knew what Isreal ought to do and as a result, all their brethren were at their command.(2Chr12:32). A man of understanding can never be stranded because he always knows what to do to come out of every predicament.(John6:6-11). This platform is aimed at boosting your understanding of God's agenda, that will give you an edge over your peers and contemporaries. Army is on the move, we've explored some their qualities, recruitment is currently ongoing for interested individuals. You can be a part of this army, anybody and everybody is invited to join while the portal is still open, nobody knows the exact date that the portal will be closed. Therefore make haste to register before it is too late. (Matt25:10-12). "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and

The Emergence-Part 3

Text: Joel2:1-11    Just when corrupt leaders thought they had gotten away with all the atrocities they've committed, then would God send His army to take vengeance by invading their hiding places with sicknesses and death. Those who boast in their knowledge, men who hide behind the covering of their riches and fame will all be brought to their knee's and none of these corrupt men will escape. (Jer9:21-24). This is not an army with uniforms and guns, rather they an army with spiritual, mental and physical buoyancy, men who will invade and sanitize world systems before the Savior's arrival. Its an army of men who operate like angels and execute judgment like god's. "They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble; the sun and moon shall be dark, the stars shall withdraw their shining: And the

The Emergence-Part 2

   The world must recognize and discern why thing are happening the way they are, nothing in life happens by chance, even the law of inertia affirms to this. Nothing moves unless a tangible force triggers its motion, likewise no moving object stops unless a force inhibits its motion. What I am revealing by the help of the Holy Spirit is not human philosophy but divine agenda, philosophies have failed but only the truth of God's word prevailed.(Psalm 119:89). God's ways are higher than man's ways and His thoughts than man's thought. Don't be deceived by what analysts suggest, they tell the world "well, the economy will get better", it is vain to put your trust in their words because it will fail. The world is gradually crumbling and there is no amount of motivational speaking that can save the situation, mankind must go back to the author of creation. Nations will rise and fall, that is why it is all the more important that we position ourselves to seek a

The Emergence-Part 1

   In the world we live in today, we have seen justice perverted, men oppressed and women humiliated, this has caused the human race to yearn and hope for a way out of this treachery.   "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed".Rom8:19(NIV)    God made it so because He wanted man to really appreciate His strategy and timing, as well as acknowledge His doings when they see them because He is a jealous God.(Ex20:5). He has prepared his army to rescue those who accept and believe in His agenda and also to destroy those who chose to stand in the way to prevent Him from accomplishing his preordained mission.(Matt21:44). God as the commander of this great army has equipped them to shine as light in the midst of darkness, to prevail when others are travailing as well as to soar when others are crawling.(Matt5:14-16). He formed the perfect assault group to execute His will here on earth and when they arrive the whole world will knowand they


   We live in a very strange day and age, where everything seems to be failing. This though would come as no surprise to those who are in tune with God's master plan. It is a time of chaos for those who consciously or unconsciously deny or ignore the existence of God and refuse to believe the one true saviour of the whole universe. On the other hand those who choose to believe and follow after God are basking in the abundance of His grace and goodness. It is at this time  where war, famine and pestilence has spread across the earth that the truth needs to be shone as a light on our path. The world will surely and soon pass away, it has begun and we cannot change it, we can only align with the plan of the one who made it so.              ''.....It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" (Acts 9:5)    The global economic meltdown, recession, high unemployment rate, terrorism and corruption cannot be conquered by man's philosophy, not even the world leader