We live in a very strange day and age, where everything seems to be failing. This though would come as no surprise to those who are in tune with God's master plan. It is a time of chaos for those who consciously or unconsciously deny or ignore the existence of God and refuse to believe the one true saviour of the whole universe. On the other hand those who choose to believe and follow after God are basking in the abundance of His grace and goodness. It is at this time where war, famine and pestilence has spread across the earth that the truth needs to be shone as a light on our path. The world will surely and soon pass away, it has begun and we cannot change it, we can only align with the plan of the one who made it so.
''.....It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" (Acts 9:5)
The global economic meltdown, recession, high unemployment rate, terrorism and corruption cannot be conquered by man's philosophy, not even the world leaders have solutions to these problems. It is all part of the Creator's plan, one would ask 'how?'.That is what this platform was created for, God has the answers to man's questions but He only reveals them to those who care to ask. (Matt7:7). No man can thwart God's agenda, he can only choose to benefit from it or become a victim of it. Don't be caught off guard, remain alert because there is a move going on, the wise will reign by it but the foolish will be oppressed by the same.
All through scripture there have been prophecies about the end time. The prophet Joel was among those who laid down happenings with regard to the last days as was revealed to him by God. He described it as a day of darkness and gloominess connoting hardship and hopeless sufferings. A time when committing suicide seems the right thing to do, when a man would wake up with a gun, go to the streets and kill innocent people before killing himself. A time when wars and bombings become like playing video games, when human life holds no value, when the rich take delight in oppressing the poor, when wickedness, idolatry, whoredom, incest, and corruption dominate the affairs of man. These were the times Joel saw. In the midst of this darkness, a great army emerged like dawn spreading across the mountains, Joel said this army was unique; they were the army of the Lord. They are God's end time army of leaders, men who would reign on the earth, they would command the respect of men and attract the envy of nations. Their light would shine so bright in a world of gross darkness. They are on a mission and they will not stop until they fulfill it.
What will they look like?, How will they operate?, Are they here already?, these and many more questions will be answered in our subsequent posts, stay tuned.
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