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Leadership Vision-Part 3

Text: Isaiah29:11-14.
   True leaders are God dependent, though they've built capacity but they still recognize the place of the one called the leader of leaders in their lives. Men who give God a place in their heart have a better chance of accessing vision than men who don't. Don't wait for any man to tell you your purpose or the reason behind your creation because the truth is they do not know. Man can only guide and direct you to the one who knows(God), and He will be more than willing to reveal it to you.
   You can access vision through three different methods namely;
  • Divine Encounters.
  • Pure Passion.
  • Evident Gifts/ Talents.
   Divine encounters gives you direct access to vision, while passion and gifts are just pointers to vision, they don't give you specific details of your assignment. Divine encounter gives a man access to the source or manufacturer, it is an avenue where man meets directly with God and receives from Him a detailed vision. At different times in the history of man, God spoke through different ways to man, for example, He spoke to Moses from the midst of a burning bush, He spoke to Joseph through dreams, He spoke to Gideon through an angel and Daniel through heavenly visions, dreams and angels. God speaks in different ways, one must just align himself to hear from Him through any of these legitimate ways.
   In the New testament, God spoke through His Holy spirit as seen in the case of Paul, Peter, and the early Apostles.I mentioned some salient points about the Holy Spirit in our second series titled "The Enlistment", He is a major asset in God's end time army of leaders because He has been entrusted with the responsibility of unveiling vision.(Jn16:13). Many people can call this religious nonsense, but no amount of unbelief can turn the truth to a lie, as the saying goes " You can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth". Visions are real and accessible, just make a choice to settle for nothing less than a visionary leadership and you'll be on your way to the top.
