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The Enlistment-Part 2

   Every nation and kingdom has laws guiding its citizens, as well as activities within it.(Psalm119:105). A responsible citizen makes it a point of duty to study and know these laws and abide by them. In God's kingdom there are laws(The Bible) that have been laid down to guide citizens through their daily activities, therefore, as a new citizen of this kingdom it is your duty to know, understand and comply to the laws of the kingdom.
   Before a man becomes a soldier he must have been trained, empowered and equipped for the battlefield.(Luke 24:49). The training focuses on bringing out the toughness in you, as this would help you to survive hard times especially during war. Nations have military training colleges filled with numerous instructors and officers entrusted with the responsibility of training newly enlisted persons.(John 14:26). God also has plans for training His men, and He has entrusted the training process to the General Officer Commanding (GOC) Heavens Training Command in the person of the Holy Spirit.(John 16:13). Unlike earthly military instructors who teach you from outside, the Holy Spirit teaches you from inside. The next step towards becoming a full blown soldier of the kingdom is to receive the Holy Spirit on your inside. Your training does not begin until you are filled with God's Spirit.(Acts 1:8).

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;......" (Joel2:28). 
   God is more than will to pour out His own spirit upon those men who are willing to join His army.(Eze36:26-27). We have seen evidence of the Holy Spirit being poured out on the disciples of Jesus Christ, and thousands of others after them.(Acts2:1-4). You can be filled by following these steps below;
  • Desire to be filled.(John7:37)
  • Ask the King to fill you with His Spirit.(Luke11:10-13)
  • Believe that you are filled with His Spirit.(Mark11:23-24).
   There is but one last point to note, and it has to do with language, every kingdom has an approved 'lingua franca' that is a common language. In God's kingdom you only get to speak that language when you are empowered by the Holy Spirit, this heavenly language is referred to as 'tongues'. Men cannot understand it neither can they speak it, except they are empowered to do so by the Holy Spirit. This language is real, it is the mother of all languages. It is the evidence of the infilling of the Holy Spirit.(Act1:4, Acts10:44&46). Stay blessed.
