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Text: Psalm 24:3-4
   Many years ago, the thought of believers occupying positions of leadership in the society stirred up agressive debate; as so many christians retained the ideology that their operations should be limited to the confines of the church. No doubt such arguments still exist today, but with lesser intensity as believers are gradually waking up to the reality of their God ordained positioning in these last days.

   To summarize this, the prophet Isaiah spoke thus;"2. And it shall come to past in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3. And many people shall go and say, come ye, and let us go up to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall proceed the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Is. 2:2-3).

   The last days  church is not one limited by the four walls of the church, but one that will be at the center of every legislation and decision that concerns communities, states, nations, continents, regions and even the world at large. "...out of Zion shall proceed the law..." implies that the law governing the operations of men will emanate from the church. We are in the days when governors, presidents, members of congress, senators, judges, mayors and the likes will arise from the confine of the church and show the world the meaning of true leadership.

   While this truth may excite some believers, it is worthy of note to state at this point that mere excitement has very little to do with the actualization of this agenda. Time and again, we've seen christians who assumed positions of leadership in government and performed woefully, without making any relevant impact. This is why anyone interested in becoming a part of this move must know what it takes and be committed to give it all it takes.

   From our anchor text, we discover that only individuals with clean hands and a pure heart are qualified to ascend into hill of leadership. This is so crucial because it is impossible to overcome darkness with darkness, you can only overcome darkness with light. So many people think that God is interested in excuses when it comes to the subject of sinand corruption, the truth is He is not. God hates sin, His eyes are too pure to behold them. (Hab. 1:13). This is why He admonishes and instructs believer to be Holy because He himself is a Holy God. (Lev. 19:2/1Pet. 1;15-17).

   Is it possible to live a blameless and holy life while in public service, seeing that every sector of human civilization is saturated with corruption? The answer is yes. Joseph and Daniel did it in the most civilized and corrupt nations of their time, you also can do the same in this current generation. (Phil. 4:13). God has made adequate provisions for the believer's victory over sin, this is why no excuse will be condoned. If you must be a part of this move, you must make up your mind to live right.

   Here are three reasons why you should be committted to living a blameless lifestyle;

  • It exempts you from blackmail and grants you the freedom to do the right thing. The opposition will have no leverage over you because your slate is clean. (Jn. 14:30)
  • It enhance your boldness and confidence especially when dealing with daring challenges. (Pr. 28:1)
  • It delivers you from death in times of adversity, chaos and rebellion when wealth and influence fail.(Pr. 11:4)
   A decision to deal with clean hands and a pure heart is a major step towards lasting and impactful leadership. Its time ascend the hill, I hope to see you at the top.
