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Text: Psalm 119:24
   It was Henry Ford who said "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right," this is because you are only as succesful as your thoughts. Your thoughts define you, your thinking pattern is inevitably your living pattern. Success is first established in the mind before it manifests in the open, likewise also failure is conceived in the mind before it is practically delivered. Tenures and regimes of leadership fail before they even start because the leaders think they can't succeed in their leadership quest for reasons best known to them.

   The Wright brothers succeeded in their quest to build an aircraft because they thought it was possible and dared to give that thought a shot. Thoughts are vital to man's existence, they carve out the very framework of our society. We see it in our legislation, we can attribute the increase in crime rate to it and it even shapes our very response to war, economic crisis, unemployment, global warming and so on. The destitute is out on the street because he thinks he's worthless and unproductive, the prostitite does what she does because she thinks she is only good for sex, the thief steals becuase he thinks its hard, if not impossible to make it without stealing.

  This is why the scriptures admonishes that you guard you mind diligently because out of it will emerge the issues that shape you life. (Pr. 4:23). If you must become a leader of impact, you must control what you think. You can't stop negative thoughts from crossing your mind but you can stop them from pulling over and parking permanently. You must cultivate the habit of thinking the right thoughts at all times, no matter the circumstances that sorround you. Only a positive thought pattern that thinks success can generate positive results. No matter the odds, an optimistic mindset is bound to have the last laugh.

   In a world were facts vacillate every second and by the hour, it will be fool hardy to base your thoughts on facts. Leave the facts to your brain and allow the right information to gain access to your heart. One of such information is testimonies, they may sound unpopular but they can be very effective when it comes to giving you the right thought pattern that will establish your success. Testimonies in our context simply means events of past successes. Many people especially leaders tend to forget in a hurry that it took a level of success for them to have arrived at their current status. Right from the day a child is born, its success story begins to multiply. Over five hundred million sperm cells swam towards the egg, but only one succeeded and that one was you.

   If you refuse to focus on testimonies, you'll focus on your trials and while testimonies facilitate your conquest, trials drowns you in defeat and shame. For instance, David was an ordinary shepherd boy who had an understanding of the power of testimonies. When he arrived at the camp of Israel's army, he could sense the fear in the heart of every soldier as Goliath stood to torment them with his threats. David's confidence did not come from years of military experience in combat because he had none, it came from a testimony he got while keeping his father's sheep. He said unto Saul "34....Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: 35. And I went after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. 36. Thy servant slew the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them...."(1Sam. 17:34-36)

   This was how David went on to slay and conquer a giant because he engaged the force of testimonies. Life would be far more successful for many if only they focus their thoughts on their success stories to generate enough confidence to fight and aim for the kill, rather than dwelling on facts and challenges that destroys boldness and reduces experience to a piece of rag. You can be a successful leader and be a blessing to the world if only you'll refuse to ignore the power of testimonies. I ask you this question; "Have you ever been successful at anything?" if yes, then I am glad to inform you that you can be successful at many more things, if only you'll ride on the back of your past successes to obtain the new ones.
