Text: Psalm 119:24 It was Henry Ford who said "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right," this is because you are only as succesful as your thoughts. Your thoughts define you, your thinking pattern is inevitably your living pattern. Success is first established in the mind before it manifests in the open, likewise also failure is conceived in the mind before it is practically delivered. Tenures and regimes of leadership fail before they even start because the leaders think they can't succeed in their leadership quest for reasons best known to them. The Wright brothers succeeded in their quest to build an aircraft because they thought it was possible and dared to give that thought a shot. Thoughts are vital to man's existence, they carve out the very framework of our society. We see it in our legislation, we can attribute the increase in crime rate to it and it even shapes our very response to war, economic crisis, unemployment, g...
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