Leadership is beautiful and attractive this is why many are drawn to it. It is a good thing that it is still attractive, because the world still needs quality and sound leadership. We'll be examining some tips that will be really helpful to anyone who is starting out on his leadership journey. To become a leader there are steps to take and our focus shall be on these steps. They are as follows;
- Follow: If you desire to be a leader then you must locate and follow one who is already a leader. The path of followership in most cases culminates in leadership. History affirms this reality with countless proofs and testimonials. For instance, Michael Faraday who went on to become a renowned leader in the field of science was once an assistant to Humphrey Davy an eminent English chemist. Faraday followed Davy to several locations for scientific works and presentations. Faraday attended lectures by Davy and compiled a 300-page book based on notes that he had taken during these lectures. There is also the story of a man called Joshua who followed Moses and as a result, was able to duplicate some of the results Moses achieved. One of such results was the parting of the red sea by Moses, which was duplicated by Joshua when he parted the river Jordan.(Exo. 14:21-22/Exo. 24:13/Josh. 3:10-17). Anybody who disregards the place of followership will never amount to much in his quest for leadership. A follower is someone who subscribes to leadership training by walking in the footsteps of an already established leader. Myles Munroe said "one is not qualified to give orders until he can receive them." As a leader you are in a position to give orders but as a follower you receive them. Your first step into leadership is to locate a leader with proofs in your chosen field and follow in his footsteps. It is following the footsteps of a giant that makes you a giant. If you do what they did and subscribed to the principles that made them emerge as giants, you'll surely emerge a giant yourself. Don't just follow anybody that occupies a leadership position, but follow someone who has genuine leadership qualities and also has a track record of consistent, results oriented and admirable leadership.
- Observe: To become a leader you must be observant. If the one whom you have chosen to follow -your role model or mentor- is too busy to attend to you personally, then the only way to learn from such a person is by observation. Even leaders who commit themselves to personally teach the forces responsible for their success cannot possibly teach all, this is why an observant eye is essential for anyone who desire to make the most of his adventure as a follower. Withdraw yourself from all the noise and in that moment of serenity, see what others are not seeing; passion, sacrifice, commitment, humility and so on. The greatest secrets in leadership are often times accessed by the observant few who eventually rise to the top of the leadership ladder. Jesus a great leader repeatedly gave his followers this admonition "....watch and pray...." (Matt. 13:33,37/Mark 14:34,37). Elisha observed how Elijah crossed the river by dividing it with his mantle, so when Elijah was gone, Elisha took hold of the mantle and did the same to cross back to the city.(2Kings 2:8-14). Not all secrets can be taught some have to be discovered by observation. Elijah never taught Elisha how to part the river, but by observation Elisha learned, practiced and perfected the art. For example, if you observe that your role model values exercise, healthy eating and quality family time, you don't have to be told or cajoled to do so because obviously these are factors that contribute to his success as a leader. If you watch and observe, you'll learn what others don't.
- Ask questions: There is an African adage that says "He who seeks direction, never gets lost." If you consistently ask questions you'll improve and grow until you become someone who people come to for answers. Be inquisitive in your leadership quest. Every question answered leaves you better off than it met you. Questions give motion to your quest for leadership. After observing Jesus' addiction to prayer one of the disciples asked him;"...Lord teach us to pray...."(Lk. 5:16/Lk. 11:1). If you must get to the Zenith of leadership, you must be committed to asking questions. Good teachers love inquisitive students. Don't be deterred by the indifferent reaction of some when you ask them a question. If one person does not answer you, ask the next person, don't stop asking until you find the answers. Because answers don't leave you at the same spot. Knowledge is what distinguish a consultant from an intern. The more questions you ask, the more the answers your encounter, so keep asking.
- Learn: Don't just ask questions but learn from the answers given you. A hypocritical question is one you ask without the intention of learning. If you must lead, you must learn and if you must keep leading, you must keep learning. Paul as an Apostle enjoyed more leadership success than other Apostles because of his addiction to learning. He went along with his books and notes everywhere he went.(2Tim. 4:13). He learnt from the books he read and documented his observations and inspired thought in his notes. Personally, I have discovered that it is common with great leaders to read books and keep a personal Journal, so I adopted the same. Anyone who does not value information cannot survive as a leader. Leadership involves solving challenges and these challenges evolve with time. If you fail to keep yourself updated as a leader, you may fall under the weight of these constantly evolving challenges.
- Practice: This is the transition point from followership to leadership. Practice gives you a taste of what it feels to be a leader. Practice gives you an opportunity to make mistakes and until you do, you cannot be corrected. Practice helps you to evaluate your leadership stance, this way you know your current position and can measure the level of investment required to get you to your desired destination. The quality of you practice reflects the quality of your leadership. The disciples of Jesus practised what they had learnt from him and got the same results he got, except in few cases where the challenge was beyond their level of expertise. (Luke 10:1,17/Matt. 17:15-18). The fear of failure is the reason why many followers remain in their shell and refuse to give leadership a shot. Failing a task does not make you a failure, possessing a failures' mindset does. Thomas Edison practiced (and failed) one thousand times before he could find the right combination for the creation of the incandescent light bulb. There is no harm in practicing to lead, rather there are lots of experiences and opportunities awaiting those who dare to do so.
- Capitalize on you mistakes: Don't bury your head in shame when you practice and fail a leadership task, instead lift it up high because not many had the courage to practice what you just tried. Don't let your mistakes ride and eventually ruin you, but choose to ride on you mistakes and become the leader you desire to be. Peter made a mistake thinking he knew more than Jesus, but he fell flat on his back as Jesus predicted.(Matt. 26:33-35,69-75). But nonetheless, he gathered himself together and went on to become a formidable and reliable leader. You can capitalize on the negative energy of failure by converting it to a passion for improvement and excellence.George Washington did everything he could to join the British Military, but all his efforts seemed to pull him farther away from his target. He ultimately capitalized on his mistakes and ended up becoming one of the founding Fathers of the most powerful nation in the world (U.S.A). There is nothing special about failure and mistakes, just see beyond them and you'll do just fine.
- Be creative: Now that mistakes are out of the way, it is time to launch out into the ocean of unlimited leadership opportunities by being creative. With good leadership, great things are are bound to happen, but this can only materialize on the platform of creativity. Your mind must be fully functional and operational if you desire to lead. Followers allow others to do the thinking, leaders are responsible for thinking for the followers. It is easier to follow an already cleared path than it is to clear a path for others to follow. This why many choose to remain as followers, not because they don't admire good leadership, but because they are unwilling to pay the price for it. Leadership is responsibility, you are not only responsible for yourself as a leader, but you are also responsible for others. When peter assumed the position of leadership, he faced challenges that required creativity to handle. His creative solutions helped him a great lot as a leader.(Acts 6:1-7). Creativity helps you to find you way through and around obstacles, this is why every leader must stay connected to the creative side of life.
- Take the lead: After applying yourself to subsequent tips, it is now time to step fully into the world of leadership. Let your creativity inspire you to greatness. Take responsibility and choose to be the one to whom others look up to. Keep on learning, observing and asking questions as you walk towards becoming a great leader. Possess a positive mindset, let optimism drive you to become the best in what you do. Stick your neck out, volunteer to solve a problem and see opportunity in every crisis. Just like an eagle soar in the storm with fearless confidence and be the leader you were born to be. David took the lead by volunteering to take on Goliath when no one else was willing to. What turned out to be a national crisis was resolved by a seventeen year old boy. (1Sam. 17:4-54). You are not to young to lead neither are you too old. Abraham and Moses became great leaders at an advanced age. More recently, Colonel Sanders founded the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise at the age of sixty two. There no excuse for you, rise up and take the lead...
There you have it again, I hope it was helpful to you. Ensure to leave your comments below.
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