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Showing posts from April, 2018


  Leadership is a ladder and some of the greatest leaders in human history were bold enough to take the first step up that ladder and kept on going until they attained a very enviable position in leadership. Just like the saying "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step," today I'll be outlining the first five step on that leadership ladder and leave you to decide whether to make the move or not. First on the list is; Locate the right vision : leadership is an expression of one's inert potential. There is a deposit of leadership potential in every man, you'll find this to be true if you understand the true scope of leadership. Leadership is not limited to occupying great positions in organizations or giving speeches to a large audience, leadership is broad. For instance the boy who discovers his ability to draw and begins to deploy this same talent in a creative and constructive manner is already on his way to becoming a leader, likewise is the...


  Recently, I came across this quote "You are never to young to change the world," and it inspired me to come up with this article. You only get one chance at being a youth and when that opportunity passes you're left with memories.Those memories can either be good or bad, but the outcome is all up to you.   The world is asking a lot of questions about the youths, Can they be trusted with leadership? Will they deliver on expectations when given the chance to lead? Do they have what it takes to generate results? You can't blame them for being cautious, because everything of importance in life hangs on leadership and the last thing you want to do is to be careless about the subject.   It is widely believed that it takes experience to be an effective leader but history has shown an entirely different trend. In a world where experience has been married with age, it is getting increasingly difficult for young, innovative minds to fully demonstrate their leadership...


  Time management is key to living a fulfilled life. Life is a product of time. A wise man once said "time is an asset of inestimable value." Today I'll like to let you know that time is an asset of equality. No one human being gets more time than the other. What becomes of your life is a product of the use to which you put your time. If you use your time wisely, you'll live a happy, impactful and fulfilled life. Today, we shall be exploring the secrets behind effective time management and as we do, I'll like you to keep this quote by Michael Altshuler in mind;"The bad news is time flies, but the good new is you're the pilot." Here are some practical steps to effective time management; Highlight your daily goals: Time is like a river flowing in a particular direction, there is nothing you can do to change the direction of its flow, the wise thing to do therefore is to take advantage of its flow. Taking advantage of that flow begins with highl...


  Leadership is beautiful and attractive this is why many are drawn to it. It is a good thing that it is still attractive, because the world still needs quality and sound leadership. We'll be examining some tips that will be really helpful to anyone who is starting out on his leadership journey. To become a leader there are steps to take and our focus shall be on these steps. They are as follows; Follow : If you desire to be a leader then you must locate and follow one who is already a leader. The path of followership in most cases culminates in leadership. History affirms this reality with countless proofs and testimonials. For instance, Michael Faraday who went on to become a renowned leader in the field of science was once an assistant to Humphrey Davy an eminent English chemist. Faraday followed Davy to several locations for scientific works and presentations. Faraday attended lectures by Davy and compiled a 300-page book based on notes that he had taken during these ...


   Leadership requires specific skill set for the actualization of its full potential. These skills are numerous and must be consciously developed by anyone who desires to succeed as a leader. Today we shall be considering five of them; Communication : Leadership cannot be effective without adequate communication. Leadership involves influence and it takes communication to establish influence. Communication fosters exchange of ideas which in turn facilitates progress. No matter how great a vision you have as a leader, your ability to communicate is what really determines the worth of your leadership. Jesus Christ is recognized worldwide as a reputable leader and this can be attributed to his superb communication skills.(Mt. 17:28-29). His ability to boldly articulate and convey his message to spectators was unmatched. This ability helped him to navigate through tricky and provocative questions thrown at him by oppositions.(Jn. 8:3-11/Matt. 22:15-22/Luke 11:53-54). Winst...


  Wikipedia defines strategic planning as an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy.   Now that we have established a definition for strategic planning, it is important to keep in mind that plans don't just happen, they are made to happen. How to make them happen is what we'll be focusing on today. First step to effective strategic planning is; Goal Setting : Properly set goals helps to streamline your plans and makes it easy for you to measure progress. If you don't know your destination, anywhere may look like it. Goals helps to cut down on excesses and maximize the use of resources. In helping Jeremiah to set clear goals, God asked "...Jeremiah, what seest thou...." (Jer. 1:11). If you don't have a target, you won't know when you hit it. Leadership strategy de...


  Acceptance is a product of well doing. Everybody accepts, appreciates and wants to be associated with a man who is doing well in life.(Gen. 4:7). But, it take righteousness to do well in life. (Is.3:10). Every time a man gives himself over to ungodliness, a repulsive odour comes upon him that causes people to resent him, but when a man embraces righteousness a delightsome aroma comes upon him and surrounds him so that even his enemies just fall in love with him for no explainable reason.(Pro.16:7)   The fear of the Lord attracts the goodness of the LORD. (Jer. 32:39-40). The righteous man secures goodness both for himself and for his generation after him. Righteousness is the key to personal and corporate prosperity. (Pro. 14:34). The longer your righteousness endures, the greater the riches you enjoy. (Ps. 112:1-3).   Joseph was loved by all and sundry because of his commitment and addiction to living a righteous life. He was loved, favored, promoted, honored, pro...