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Showing posts from January, 2017

Leadership Faith-Part 1

Text: Luke 1:45    "What you are today is a product of what you believed in yesterday, and what you believe today will determine what you'll become tomorrow".It takes faith to see any vision fulfilled, no vision gets fulfilled without the faith of the visioneer. Faith is the second pillar of leadership, without it there would be no great leaders. It is a driving force that compels you to speak the unspeakable and attempt the impossible. Visions are propelled to accomplishment by the force of faith.    Faith makes a leader out of a follower, it produces greatness out of nothing. A young boy called David brought down a renowned giant warrior with years of fighting experience by faith, Goliath saw his end at the hands of a visionary young leader who had the faith to confront what other soldiers dreaded. Until you are equipped with the faith needed to make things happen you may never become an excellent leader. Most of the inventions that greatly influenced the world and